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Why MuTu ® is For you, Top 10 questions answered by a MuTu Pro™.

Hi! I'm Erin, I'm a mom. That is my main title. After that I'm a whole list of things, including a MuTu Pro ™. Today I'm going to talk to you about Mutu System ® and why it's amazing and why you should be doing it, who it's for, what it will help with, and why I do it every single day. I get asked a lot of behind the scenes and secret questions from a lot of moms looking for help, and I think a lot of these questions should be answered and can benefit all of you reading that may have similar questions.

What is MuTu System exactly?

MuTu System is the definitive, medically endorsed Mummy Tummy Workout System, created by postpartum fitness expert, Wendy Powell. A proven, tried + tested solution for ‘mummy tummy’, diastasis recti, pelvic floor weakness + a core that isn’t as functional or strong as you’d like it to be.

As a MuTu Pro™ Certified Trainer, I help guide you through the exercises that are vital for re-building your core. I’ll ensure you’re truly benefiting from your workouts, teach you about alignment, modify your exercises based on your individual needs, keep you motivated + most importantly, help you to identify the exercises that are making your core weaker.

Why Do You do MuTu? You are already in shape.

Well ladies, guess what, I'm not good at training myself. I lay down on my mat and that's it, I lay there. If I have a free hour, and it's all up to me to work out, I lay down and get stuck. So, MuTu helps to guide me, and come to find out I was doing a lot of harm to my postnatal body, and MuTu got me back on track. MuTu is my daily maintenance exercise. It allows me to stay strong, healthy and connected so that I can dance well, do more advanced pilates workouts well, and safely do any movement activity without worry of hurting myself or undoing all of the pelvic floor repair that I've worked so hard to achieve.

How Long Does it take?

8-15 min a day for core work and about 20 minutes for intensive work, 3 times a week, once your core is strong enough. This is the genius of this. This workout is for MOMS! Ya know, the ones that have babies, kids, ya know, a lot of shit to do. Even if your kids are grown, this work is for you. We are just scratching the surface of pelvic floor repair, so moms that have older children, this is long overdue for you. Once a mom, always a mom, and a busy one with lots of obstacles. But, this is so doable, the one thing you are responsible for is doing it!

I pee when I work out, Is that normal? How is this workout any different?

I'm so glad you asked! Urinary incontinence is VERY common, but it is not "normal". What I mean is that many women experience this as a result of pregnancy, birth, and age, but it is a symptom resulting from your pelvic floor not functioning exactly the way it should. MuTu addresses this and many other pelvic floor disorders including Prolapse, pain, pressure, urinary and fecal (yes poop) leaking, and Diastasis Recti.

Speaking of DR, What is a diastasis and how do I know if I have one?

Diastasis Recti is the separation of the Rectus Abdominis, the most superficial abdominal muscles, the ones that give you the six pack. The Abdominal Raphe is the connective tissue that connects these two sides of the muscle wall, this tissue can be stretched and pulls apart bringing the abdominal muscles, both superficial and deep, further apart, and leaves you feeling disconnected and like your guts are hanging out in front of you. I had a Diastasis, my abdominal wall was separated as a result of my pregnancies, and I know now, it was significantly worsened because after having my daughter I returned to work too soon, carried her on my body while commuting an hour or more for over 2 years, and I started dancing before I allowed my body to heal and I didn't retrain my core AT ALL! I mean I did not do one thing to maintain my body, I just went into rehearsals, being lifted, and lifting other dancers with my belly completely disconnected. I literally almost completely fell apart, actually I kind of did. (insert story of being stranded in the subway completely paralyzed from a back spasm with an infant in a stroller... for a later blog post) I began to realise I needed help, and fast forward, I found MuTu and it worked! I felt connected again, I could feel my core working in a way I wasn't able to feel for years. I thought I would never feel that connection again. Click here to learn more and to learn how to safely check yourself for a DR.

Does MuTu Work?

Listen, I would NOT promote anything I didn't fully believe in. I tried another program before I found MuTu, and it did not work, not at all. MuTu saved me. It saved my body. It saved my sanity. It saved my dance career. It made me a better mom. It made me a better wife. It made me comfortable in my own skin again.

Why Doesn't this program use a Binder?

Let's be clear, binders are out there, I've even seen people wearing them at the gym. Some of them promise to give you a tiny waist if you wear them enough. There are celebrities with tiny waists and big booties that swear by them. I tried a program that used a binder, it gave me a lot of pain, and I would put it on and squeeze my insides to try to feel comfortable. But then I heard Wendy Powell talk about the "tube of toothpaste" effect. If you squeeze the middle, all the stuff has to go somewhere, and down and out it will go! That horrified me, I did not want to squeeze my organs out of my body. I have always told clients to be very cautious with braces for injuries, I feel it makes your body lazy and doesn't allow your body to properly heal. This same rule applies here, you have to allow your body to retrain and heal from this injury. MuTu will allow for that, no binder required.

Will it help with all of the loose skin?

Ok, this is a VERY common question. When you tone your abdominal muscles you will see an improvement in your midsection. A lot of factors go into loose skin. Some women's bellies don't get huge, some women have one baby, some have 4, some have twins, some look like they have twins and only one comes out! It depends on how much loose skin you have. I have a favorite phrase that I'm always telling clients, FUNCTION FIRST! You will see results, but please put function before vanity here!! Ladies, you had a baby, or babies. We are so tough on ourselves. Your body will most definately look and feel tons better than it does if you have any of the issues discussed above! Once you restore function in your core you will be able to safely do more cardio and that will help with tightening your skin as well. Look for future posts about nutritional suggestions to help with this as well.

Can I still do my other exercise? Go to bootcamp? Do my crossfit? Do Pilates?

This is a fantastic, and very common question. Again, remember, function first ladies!! I know you love your workout, but if you are experiencing any symptoms while doing your workouts you should take a step back. You can CrossFit yourself to death, but if you pee every time that's a sign that your body is not functioning properly. Would you still go to crossfit with a broken ankle? These are injuries and MuTu is your answer. Once you begin to repair and restore function, you will be able to safely return to your favorite high intensity workouts. If you don't take the proper steps you are most likely making your symptoms and injuries even worse. So PLEASE function first! Also, ask questions of your trainer, if they don't seem educated on these topics encourage them to do so, or find someone that is! I am here to help you, I am a certified MuTu Pro and I'm working with many women on these very issues. SO reach out to me, I'm happy to help!

Why should I spend money on MuTu?

Listen, I am NOT a sales person, it makes me incredibly uncomfortable to encourage other people to spend their money. I get REALLY irritated by pyramid scheme business models, that is NOT what this is. I just believe in this work, I know it works, and I'm now a MuTu Pro ™ and I'm having success helping other women to heal through this work. Today is your last day to snag the MuTu System for $58!! That's insane. You will get a lifetime subscription to an amazing program, support, endless information, the safest and smartest exercises for your postpartum body. You deserve this, do it, and you will NOT regret it. Click here to go straight to the sale and give yourself the very best gift.

Resources: Wendy Powell of MuTu System

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